Sunday, 1 January 2012

The 100 Day Challenge

I'm Kate. I'm 26. I'm a Canadian that lives in the Far North of New Zealand. I'm a primary school teacher (I've got 5 and 6 year olds next year). I live on 90 Mile Beach with my boyfriend. I've always been chubby and self-conscious of my weight, regardless of what shape or size I was, I always felt fat. Looking back at photos I probably wasn't always flabby... but I am now, and I'm just not happy about it. I want things to change.

I've read and followed many a fitness and weight loss journey blogs through twitter and facebook over the past several months, and considered doing one myself. I've also dabbled in bouts and stints of exercise and diets, and never really done it. But for me, 2012 is about a commitment - to myself. I came across the The 100 Day Challenge on Facebook the other day, and thought "that's what I need to do for myself". The rules were simple (I'm a sucker for simple!) move intentionally for 30 minutes every day, for the first 100 days of 2012.  Doesn't matter what you do, just make that commitment.

To kick of 2012, I quit the gym. With my new job starting in a month being only 1.5km from my house, I won't be making the 15km trip into town each day, therefore the likelihood and reality of going to the gym is next to nil. And at $20/wk, I know I'm better off putting that money into equipment for home. I've been quite good at "pushing play" with Shaun T for Insanity... although this is my 3rd time starting it, and we haven't stuck exactly to the plan as we've had company visiting, and Christmas/trips away for concerts/New Years, so we've just made it fit. This time I'm committed to finishing the full two months though, even if it takes me longer.

I do intend to blog my 100 days of intentional activity... even if it's recapping several days behind. Yesterday I also made a chart to tick off... and then found some stickers amongst my school stuff - so yes, as I motivate my 5 and 6 year olds with stickers, I also intend to reward myself with stickers!

Day 1 - 1 Jan 2012
3.2km (uphill!) Feeling tired (but not hungover) from the events of the day and night before, I had intended to do Insanity's Cardio Recovery dvd.... but at 8.45pm, decided that a walk over to Shipwreck Bay may be a bit more low-key, and the fresh air would do me good. Being a nice big hill, it was a good walk.

Stay tuned for more updates on the challenge

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